- class NECVA2ClientΒΆ
acceptable_degrees property
parameters property
proxy property
set_andzero property
set_fixed property
set_maxone property
set_minmaxone property
set_onehot property
set_orone property
set_supplement property
token property
url property
version property
write_request_data property
write_response_data property
- class ParametersΒΆ
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
- property vector_modeΒΆ
vector_mode property
- Return type:
VectorMode | None
- class ResultΒΆ
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
- class VectorModeΒΆ
- __eq__(value, /)ΒΆ
Return self==value.
- __ge__(value, /)ΒΆ
Return self>=value.
- __gt__(value, /)ΒΆ
Return self>value.
- __hash__()ΒΆ
Return hash(self).
- __index__()ΒΆ
Return self converted to an integer, if self is suitable for use as an index into a list.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
- __int__()ΒΆ
- __le__(value, /)ΒΆ
Return self<=value.
- __lt__(value, /)ΒΆ
Return self<value.
- __ne__(value, /)ΒΆ
Return self!=value.
- Accuracy = NECVA2ClientVectorMode.AccuracyΒΆ
- Speed = NECVA2ClientVectorMode.SpeedΒΆ
- __name__ = 'VectorMode'ΒΆ
- __init__(self) None ΒΆ
- __init__(self, token: str = '', url: str = '', proxy: str | None = None) None
- solve(self, objective: Poly | Matrix, dry_run: Literal[False] = False) Result ΒΆ
- solve(
- self,
- constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList,
- dry_run: Literal[False] = False,
- solve(
- self,
- objective: Poly | Matrix,
- constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList,
- dry_run: Literal[False] = False,
- solve(self, objective: Poly | Matrix, dry_run: Literal[True]) None
- solve(self, constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList, dry_run: Literal[True]) None
- solve(
- self,
- objective: Poly | Matrix,
- constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList,
- dry_run: Literal[True],
- Overloading:
1. solve(self, objective: Union[amplify.Poly, amplify.Matrix], dry_run: Literal[False] = False) -> amplify.NECVA2Client.Result
- Args:
objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix):
dry_run (Literal[False]): Defaults to
- Returns:
2. solve(self, constraint: Union[amplify.Constraint, amplify.ConstraintList], dry_run: Literal[False] = False) -> amplify.NECVA2Client.Result
- Args:
constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList):
dry_run (Literal[False]): Defaults to
- Returns:
3. solve(self, objective: Union[amplify.Poly, amplify.Matrix], constraint: Union[amplify.Constraint, amplify.ConstraintList], dry_run: Literal[False] = False) -> amplify.NECVA2Client.Result
- Args:
objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix):
constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList):
dry_run (Literal[False]): Defaults to
- Returns:
4. solve(self, objective: Union[amplify.Poly, amplify.Matrix], dry_run: Literal[True]) -> None
- Args:
objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix):
dry_run (Literal[True]):
5. solve(self, constraint: Union[amplify.Constraint, amplify.ConstraintList], dry_run: Literal[True]) -> None
- Args:
constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList):
dry_run (Literal[True]):
6. solve(self, objective: Union[amplify.Poly, amplify.Matrix], constraint: Union[amplify.Constraint, amplify.ConstraintList], dry_run: Literal[True]) -> None
- Args:
objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix):
constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList):
dry_run (Literal[True]):
- property acceptable_degreesΒΆ
acceptable_degrees property
- Return type:
- property parametersΒΆ
parameters property
- Return type: