
class GurobiClientΒΆ

Bases: AmplifyClient










acceptable_degrees property


library_path property


parameters property


version property


write_request_data property


write_response_data property

class ParametersΒΆ
__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
__repr__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


__str__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


property agg_fillΒΆ

agg_fill property

Return type:

int | None

property aggregateΒΆ

aggregate property

Return type:

int | None

property bar_conv_tolΒΆ

bar_conv_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property bar_correctorsΒΆ

bar_correctors property

Return type:

int | None

property bar_homogeneousΒΆ

bar_homogeneous property

Return type:

int | None

property bar_iter_limitΒΆ

bar_iter_limit property

Return type:

int | None

property bar_orderΒΆ

bar_order property

Return type:

int | None

property bar_qcp_conv_tolΒΆ

bar_qcp_conv_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property best_bd_stopΒΆ

best_bd_stop property

Return type:

float | None

property best_obj_stopΒΆ

best_obj_stop property

Return type:

float | None

property bqp_cutsΒΆ

bqp_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property branch_dirΒΆ

branch_dir property

Return type:

int | None

property clique_cutsΒΆ

clique_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property cloud_access_idΒΆ

cloud_access_id property

Return type:

str | None

property cloud_hostΒΆ

cloud_host property

Return type:

str | None

property cloud_poolΒΆ

cloud_pool property

Return type:

str | None

property cloud_secret_keyΒΆ

cloud_secret_key property

Return type:

str | None

property compute_serverΒΆ

compute_server property

Return type:

str | None

property concurrent_jobsΒΆ

concurrent_jobs property

Return type:

int | None

property concurrent_methodΒΆ

concurrent_method property

Return type:

int | None

property concurrent_mipΒΆ

concurrent_mip property

Return type:

int | None

property cover_cutsΒΆ

cover_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property crossoverΒΆ

crossover property

Return type:

int | None

property crossover_basisΒΆ

crossover_basis property

Return type:

int | None

property cs_app_nameΒΆ

cs_app_name property

Return type:

str | None

property cs_auth_tokenΒΆ

cs_auth_token property

Return type:

str | None

property cs_batch_modeΒΆ

cs_batch_mode property

Return type:

int | None

property cs_client_logΒΆ

cs_client_log property

Return type:

int | None

property cs_groupΒΆ

cs_group property

Return type:

str | None

property cs_idle_timeoutΒΆ

cs_idle_timeout property

Return type:

int | None

property cs_managerΒΆ

cs_manager property

Return type:

str | None

property cs_priorityΒΆ

cs_priority property

Return type:

int | None

property cs_queue_timeoutΒΆ

cs_queue_timeout property

Return type:

float | None

property cs_routerΒΆ

cs_router property

Return type:

str | None

property csapi_access_idΒΆ

csapi_access_id property

Return type:

str | None

property csapi_secretΒΆ

csapi_secret property

Return type:

str | None

property cstls_insecureΒΆ

cstls_insecure property

Return type:

int | None

property cut_agg_passesΒΆ

cut_agg_passes property

Return type:

int | None

property cut_passesΒΆ

cut_passes property

Return type:

int | None

property cutoffΒΆ

cutoff property

Return type:

float | None

property cutsΒΆ

cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property degen_movesΒΆ

degen_moves property

Return type:

int | None

property disconnectedΒΆ

disconnected property

Return type:

int | None

property display_intervalΒΆ

display_interval property

Return type:

int | None

property distributed_mip_jobsΒΆ

distributed_mip_jobs property

Return type:

int | None

property dual_reductionsΒΆ

dual_reductions property

Return type:

int | None

property feas_relax_big_mΒΆ

feas_relax_big_m property

Return type:

float | None

property feasibility_tolΒΆ

feasibility_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property flow_cover_cutsΒΆ

flow_cover_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property flow_path_cutsΒΆ

flow_path_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property func_max_valΒΆ

func_max_val property

Return type:

float | None

property func_nonlinearΒΆ

func_nonlinear property

Return type:

int | None

property func_piece_errorΒΆ

func_piece_error property

Return type:

float | None

property func_piece_lengthΒΆ

func_piece_length property

Return type:

float | None

property func_piece_ratioΒΆ

func_piece_ratio property

Return type:

float | None

property func_piecesΒΆ

func_pieces property

Return type:

int | None

property gomory_passesΒΆ

gomory_passes property

Return type:

int | None

property gub_cover_cutsΒΆ

gub_cover_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property heuristicsΒΆ

heuristics property

Return type:

float | None

property ignore_namesΒΆ

ignore_names property

Return type:

int | None

property iis_methodΒΆ

iis_method property

Return type:

int | None

property implied_cutsΒΆ

implied_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property improve_start_gapΒΆ

improve_start_gap property

Return type:

float | None

property improve_start_nodesΒΆ

improve_start_nodes property

Return type:

float | None

property improve_start_timeΒΆ

improve_start_time property

Return type:

float | None

property inf_proof_cutsΒΆ

inf_proof_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property inf_unbd_infoΒΆ

inf_unbd_info property

Return type:

int | None

property int_feas_tolΒΆ

int_feas_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property integrality_focusΒΆ

integrality_focus property

Return type:

int | None

property iteration_limitΒΆ

iteration_limit property

Return type:

float | None

property job_idΒΆ

job_id property

Return type:

str | None

property json_sol_detailΒΆ

json_sol_detail property

Return type:

int | None

property lazy_constraintsΒΆ

lazy_constraints property

Return type:

int | None

property license_idΒΆ

license_id property

Return type:

int | None

property lift_project_cutsΒΆ

lift_project_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property log_fileΒΆ

log_file property

Return type:

Path | None

property log_to_consoleΒΆ

log_to_console property

Return type:

bool | None

property lp_warm_startΒΆ

lp_warm_start property

Return type:

int | None

property markowitz_tolΒΆ

markowitz_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property mem_limitΒΆ

mem_limit property

Return type:

float | None

property methodΒΆ

method property

Return type:

int | None

property min_rel_nodesΒΆ

min_rel_nodes property

Return type:

int | None

property mip_focusΒΆ

mip_focus property

Return type:

int | None

property mip_gapΒΆ

mip_gap property

Return type:

float | None

property mip_gap_absΒΆ

mip_gap_abs property

Return type:

float | None

property mip_sep_cutsΒΆ

mip_sep_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property miqcp_methodΒΆ

miqcp_method property

Return type:

int | None

property mir_cutsΒΆ

mir_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property mixing_cutsΒΆ

mixing_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property mod_k_cutsΒΆ

mod_k_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property multi_obj_methodΒΆ

multi_obj_method property

Return type:

int | None

property multi_obj_preΒΆ

multi_obj_pre property

Return type:

int | None

property network_algΒΆ

network_alg property

Return type:

int | None

property network_cutsΒΆ

network_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property nlp_heurΒΆ

nlp_heur property

Return type:

int | None

property no_rel_heur_timeΒΆ

no_rel_heur_time property

Return type:

float | None

property no_rel_heur_workΒΆ

no_rel_heur_work property

Return type:

float | None

property no_rel_heuristicΒΆ

no_rel_heuristic property

Return type:

int | None

property node_limitΒΆ

node_limit property

Return type:

float | None

property node_methodΒΆ

node_method property

Return type:

int | None

property nodefile_dirΒΆ

nodefile_dir property

Return type:

Path | None

property nodefile_startΒΆ

nodefile_start property

Return type:

float | None

property non_convexΒΆ

non_convex property

Return type:

int | None

property norm_adjustΒΆ

norm_adjust property

Return type:

int | None

property numeric_focusΒΆ

numeric_focus property

Return type:

int | None

property obbtΒΆ

obbt property

Return type:

int | None

property obj_numberΒΆ

obj_number property

Return type:

int | None

property obj_scaleΒΆ

obj_scale property

Return type:

float | None

property optimality_tolΒΆ

optimality_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property output_flagΒΆ

output_flag property

Return type:

int | None

property partition_placeΒΆ

partition_place property

Return type:

int | None

property perturb_valueΒΆ

perturb_value property

Return type:

float | None

property pool_gapΒΆ

pool_gap property

Return type:

float | None

property pool_gap_absΒΆ

pool_gap_abs property

Return type:

float | None

property pool_search_modeΒΆ

pool_search_mode property

Return type:

int | None

property pool_solutionsΒΆ

pool_solutions property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_crushΒΆ

pre_crush property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_dep_rowΒΆ

pre_dep_row property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_dualΒΆ

pre_dual property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_miqcp_formΒΆ

pre_miqcp_form property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_passesΒΆ

pre_passes property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_q_linearizeΒΆ

pre_q_linearize property

Return type:

int | None

property pre_sparsifyΒΆ

pre_sparsify property

Return type:

int | None

property presolveΒΆ

presolve property

Return type:

int | None

property proj_implied_cutsΒΆ

proj_implied_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property psd_cutsΒΆ

psd_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property psd_tolΒΆ

psd_tol property

Return type:

float | None

property pump_passesΒΆ

pump_passes property

Return type:

int | None

property qcp_dualΒΆ

qcp_dual property

Return type:

int | None

property quadΒΆ

quad property

Return type:

int | None

property recordΒΆ

record property

Return type:

int | None

property relax_lift_cutsΒΆ

relax_lift_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property result_fileΒΆ

result_file property

Return type:

Path | None

property rinsΒΆ

rins property

Return type:

int | None

property rlt_cutsΒΆ

rlt_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property scale_flagΒΆ

scale_flag property

Return type:

int | None

property scenario_numberΒΆ

scenario_number property

Return type:

int | None

property seedΒΆ

seed property

Return type:

int | None

property server_passwordΒΆ

server_password property

Return type:

str | None

property server_timeoutΒΆ

server_timeout property

Return type:

int | None

property sift_methodΒΆ

sift_method property

Return type:

int | None

property siftingΒΆ

sifting property

Return type:

int | None

property simplex_pricingΒΆ

simplex_pricing property

Return type:

int | None

property soft_mem_limitΒΆ

soft_mem_limit property

Return type:

float | None

property sol_filesΒΆ

sol_files property

Return type:

str | None

property solution_limitΒΆ

solution_limit property

Return type:

int | None

property solution_numberΒΆ

solution_number property

Return type:

int | None

property solution_targetΒΆ

solution_target property

Return type:

int | None

property start_node_limitΒΆ

start_node_limit property

Return type:

int | None

property start_numberΒΆ

start_number property

Return type:

int | None

property strong_cg_cutsΒΆ

strong_cg_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property sub_mip_cutsΒΆ

sub_mip_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property sub_mip_nodesΒΆ

sub_mip_nodes property

Return type:

int | None

property symmetryΒΆ

symmetry property

Return type:

int | None

property threadsΒΆ

threads property

Return type:

int | None

property time_limitΒΆ

time_limit property

Return type:

timedelta | None

property token_serverΒΆ

token_server property

Return type:

str | None

property ts_portΒΆ

ts_port property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_cleanupΒΆ

tune_cleanup property

Return type:

float | None

property tune_criterionΒΆ

tune_criterion property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_dynamic_jobsΒΆ

tune_dynamic_jobs property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_jobsΒΆ

tune_jobs property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_metricΒΆ

tune_metric property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_outputΒΆ

tune_output property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_resultsΒΆ

tune_results property

Return type:

int | None

property tune_target_mip_gapΒΆ

tune_target_mip_gap property

Return type:

float | None

property tune_target_timeΒΆ

tune_target_time property

Return type:

float | None

property tune_time_limitΒΆ

tune_time_limit property

Return type:

timedelta | None

property tune_trialsΒΆ

tune_trials property

Return type:

int | None

property update_modeΒΆ

update_mode property

Return type:

int | None

property usernameΒΆ

username property

Return type:

str | None

property var_branchΒΆ

var_branch property

Return type:

int | None

property wls_access_idΒΆ

wls_access_id property

Return type:

str | None

property wls_secretΒΆ

wls_secret property

Return type:

str | None

property wls_tokenΒΆ

wls_token property

Return type:

str | None

property wls_token_durationΒΆ

wls_token_duration property

Return type:

int | None

property wls_token_refreshΒΆ

wls_token_refresh property

Return type:

float | None

property work_limitΒΆ

work_limit property

Return type:

float | None

property worker_passwordΒΆ

worker_password property

Return type:

str | None

property worker_poolΒΆ

worker_pool property

Return type:

str | None

property zero_half_cutsΒΆ

zero_half_cuts property

Return type:

int | None

property zero_obj_nodesΒΆ

zero_obj_nodes property

Return type:

int | None

class ResultΒΆ
class OptimizationStatusCodeΒΆ

Bases: Enum

__repr__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


__str__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


Cutoff = 6ΒΆ
InfOrUnbd = 4ΒΆ
Infeasible = 3ΒΆ
Inprogress = 14ΒΆ
Interrupted = 11ΒΆ
IterationLimit = 7ΒΆ
Loaded = 1ΒΆ
MemLimit = 17ΒΆ
NodeLimit = 8ΒΆ
Numeric = 12ΒΆ
Optimal = 2ΒΆ
SolutionLimit = 10ΒΆ
Suboptimal = 13ΒΆ
TimeLimit = 9ΒΆ
Unbounded = 5ΒΆ
Unknown = 0ΒΆ
UserObjLimit = 15ΒΆ
WorkLimit = 16ΒΆ
__nb_enum__ = <capsule object NULL>ΒΆ
__init__(*args, **kwargs)ΒΆ
__repr__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


__str__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


property bar_iter_countΒΆ

bar_iter_count property

Return type:

int | None

property bound_vioΒΆ

bound_vio property

Return type:

float | None

property constr_vioΒΆ

constr_vio property

Return type:

float | None

property farkas_proofΒΆ

farkas_proof property

Return type:

float | None

property int_vioΒΆ

int_vio property

Return type:

float | None

property iter_countΒΆ

iter_count property

Return type:

float | None

property mip_gapΒΆ

mip_gap property

Return type:

float | None

property node_countΒΆ

node_count property

Return type:

float | None

property obj_boundΒΆ

obj_bound property

Return type:

float | None

property obj_bound_cΒΆ

obj_bound_c property

Return type:

float | None

property obj_valΒΆ

obj_val property

Return type:

float | None

property pool_obj_boundΒΆ

pool_obj_bound property

Return type:

float | None

property pool_obj_valΒΆ

pool_obj_val property

Return type:


property runtimeΒΆ

runtime property

Return type:


property sol_countΒΆ

sol_count property

Return type:

int | None

property statusΒΆ

status property

Return type:


property time_stampsΒΆ

time_stamps property

Return type:

list[tuple[float, timedelta]]

property var_namesΒΆ

var_names property

Return type:

list[str] | None

property xΒΆ

x property

Return type:


property xnΒΆ

xn property

Return type:

list[ndarray[dtype=float64, writable=False]] | None

__init__(self) NoneΒΆ
__init__(self, library_path: str) None



library_path (str)

__repr__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


__str__(self) strΒΆ


Return type:


solve(self, objective: Poly | Matrix, dry_run: Literal[False] = False) ResultΒΆ
constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList,
dry_run: Literal[False] = False,
) Result
objective: Poly | Matrix,
constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList,
dry_run: Literal[False] = False,
) Result
solve(self, objective: Poly | Matrix, dry_run: Literal[True]) None
solve(self, constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList, dry_run: Literal[True]) None
objective: Poly | Matrix,
constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList,
dry_run: Literal[True],
) None


Overload 1.

  • objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix)

  • dry_run (typing.Literal[False]): Defaults to False.



Overload 2.

  • constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList)

  • dry_run (typing.Literal[False]): Defaults to False.



Overload 3.

  • objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix)

  • constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList)

  • dry_run (typing.Literal[False]): Defaults to False.



Overload 4.

  • objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix)

  • dry_run (typing.Literal[True])

Overload 5.

  • constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList)

  • dry_run (typing.Literal[True])

Overload 6.

  • objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix)

  • constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList)

  • dry_run (typing.Literal[True])

tune(self, objective: Poly | Matrix) NoneΒΆ
tune(self, constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList) None
tune(self, objective: Poly | Matrix, constraint: Constraint | ConstraintList) None


Overload 1.

  • objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix)

Overload 2.

  • constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList)

Overload 3.

  • objective (amplify.Poly | amplify.Matrix)

  • constraint (amplify.Constraint | amplify.ConstraintList)

property acceptable_degreesΒΆ

acceptable_degrees property

Return type:


property library_pathΒΆ

library_path property

Return type:

str | None

property parametersΒΆ

parameters property

Return type:


property versionΒΆ

version property

Return type:


property write_request_dataΒΆ

write_request_data property

Return type:

str | None

property write_response_dataΒΆ

write_response_data property

Return type:

str | None