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Experience Fixstars Amplify in your browser through demo applications

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Demo Application

Portfolio Optimization

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We will optimize the portfolio of financial instruments and perform operation simulations using actual historical market data.

Tutorials (applied)

Traffic Signal Optimization (QUBO)

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In this tutorial, we implement real-time optimal control of traffic signals using combinatorial optimization for ever-changing traffic conditions. We also simulate the traffic volume in the city when such optimal control is considered.

Tutorials (applied)

Black-Box Optimization (5)

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Here, we use black-box optimization to optimize traffic signal control in a city where commercial facilities may cause traffic congestion. We apply traffic simulation based on multi-agent simulation to implement and demonstrate the optimization.

Tutorials (applied)

14 NP problems in A. Lucas (2014)

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Fixstars Amplify is used to solve the 14 NP problems presented in the paper, A. Lucas, Front. Phys. (2014).

Demo Application

Employee Assignment Problem

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Optimal allocation of employees to stores is essential for retail and service industries with employees with different skills and needs. In this tutorial, we will perform such an optimization using Fixstars Amplify.

Demo Application

Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP)

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This example code deals with the CVRP, which can be applied to efficient delivery scheduling in the transportation industry and to optimizing the order of visits in garbage collection and street cleaning.

Tutorials (applied)

Black-Box Optimization (4)

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In this tutorial, we design the airfoil shape to maximize the lift-to-drag ratio based on fluid flow simulations. We use black-box optimization with a machine-learning model and simulated annealing for non-binary decision variables.

Tutorials (applied)

Black-Box Optimization (3)

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In this tutorial, we optimize the operating condition of a chemical reactor to maximize its production. We use black-box optimization based on a machine-learning model and chemical reaction simulations.

Tutorials (applied)

Black-Box Optimization (2)

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Here, we demonstrate black-box optimization using machine learning and an Ising machine/quantum annealer for material exploration to realize a model high-temperature superconducting material.

Tutorials (applied)

Black-Box Optimization (1)

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Black-box optimization (BBO) can be applied to complex and unknown functions. In this tutorial, we introduce and implement BBO using machine learning and combinatorial optimization with Fixstars Amplify.

Demo Application

Solving Picross Puzzles

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As an example of a complex QUBO formulation, we will develop an application that solves Picross, a puzzle game in which the user paints squares and completes a picture based on clues given by numbers.

Demo Application

Ride Sharing

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In this tutorial, we optimize the assignment of people and cars for collective ridesharing, to minimize the distance traveled by each person and the number of cars.

Demo Application


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Sudoku is a popular number-placement puzzle. Here, we learn how to formulate and implement a Sudoku solver as a combinatorial optimization problem.

Demo Application

Traveling Salesman Problem

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In this tutorial, we learn the traveling salesman problem and implement a solver.

Demo Application

Graph Coloring Problem

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In this tutorial, we solve a graph coloring problem, where we assign colors to the vertices of a graph under given constraints.

Tutorials (applied)

Taxi Matching Problem

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Here, we solve a taxi matching problem, where the cost of dispatching a taxi is minimized given multiple customers and multiple taxi locations.

Tutorials (applied)

Meeting Room Allocation Problem

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In this tutorial, we will develop an application to solve a meeting room allocation problem based on constrained combination optimization.

Tutorials (basics)

Image Noise Reduction

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Combinatorial optimization can be used for noise reduction. Here, we will implement a combinatorial optimization solver to reduce noise in an image.