Available Machines
Fixstars Amplify supports a wide range of machines including quantum annealing/Ising
machines, mathematical optimization solvers, and algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems on
gate-based quantum computers.
What is Standard machine?
A "Standard machine" refers to a machine for which we can issue
the token for usage. If you wish to use the machine supported by Amplify but not the standard machine, please
work with the vendor to prepare the environment to use on your own.
Standard Machine
Fixstars Amplify AE
Fixstars Amplify Annealing Engine (AE) is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based annealing machine. It can
process large-scale problems consisting of more than 100,000 bits at high speed. Although it is not based on
quantum mechanical phenomena, it provides an ideal platform for easy PoC and development for practical
applications, utilized for quantum annealing.
See Performance
Standard Machine
D-Wave The Leap™ Quantum Cloud Service
The Leap™ Quantum Cloud Service is the cloud service provided by D-Wave Systems to use their Advantage
quantum computer and quantum hybrid solver service.
D-Wave Systems In.
Bring Your Own License supported
How to use the D-Wave Free Program