Quick Start

This section explains how to prepare a Python 3 environment for using Fixstars Amplify.

User Registration

To use the Amplify Annealing Engine, an execution environment for Ising machine, please register as a free user and obtain an access token.

Package Installation

Please make sure you have pip version 19.3 or higher, and update it if necessary.

$ pip --version
pip 18.1.1
$ pip install --upgrade pip
Successfully installed pip-20.1.1

In some environments, the Python3 pip command is provided as the pip3 command. If this is the case, please replace it accordingly.

The Amplify SDK can be installed with the following command:

$ pip install amplify


On Windows 10/11, it can be installed in the WSL1/2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) environment.

If you use D-Wave machines or run the QAOA solver with IBM Quantum or Qulacs, you will need to include the third-party dependency packages in your installation:

$ pip install amplify[extra]


The Amplify SDK provides a package for Mac OS with an Apple M1 chip, but as of September 2021, the dependent package for using D-Wave machines is not M1-compatible. Therefore install packages and run Python in INTEL architecture compatibility mode.

% arch -x86_64 zsh  # Start zsh on x86_64
% uname -m          # Check current architecture
% pip install amplify[extra]
% python

Update Package

You can perform a package update in the following way:

$ pip install --upgrade amplify

Import Package

If the installation is successful, a package can be imported in your Python script as shown below:

import amplify
>>> amplify.__version__    # Check the version of Amplify SDK

You can follow the Tutorial to learn how to use Ising machines with the Amplify SDK. For the tutorials and sample codes for combinatorial optimization problems using the Amplify SDK, see here.