--- sd_hide_title: true hide-toc: true --- # Fixstars Amplify (clients-FixstarsClient)= ## Fixstars Amplify Annealing Engine The QUBO solver provided by [Fixstars Amplify](https://amplify.fixstars.com/) uses an algorithm based on Simulated Annealing implemented on GPUs. ```{tip} A free API token is available upon [user registration](https://amplify.fixstars.com/register). ``` :**Solver specification**: ```{list-table} :width: 100% :widths: 2 3 * - Client class - {py:class}`amplify.FixstarsClient` * - [Execution parameters](amplify.FixstarsClient.parameters) - {py:class}`amplify.FixstarsClient.Parameters` * - [Execution result](amplify.Result.client_result) - {py:class}`amplify.FixstarsClient.Result` * - [Execution time](amplify.Result.execution_time) - {py:attr}`amplify.FixstarsClient.Result.execution_time` * - API method - REST API (JSON) * - API reference - [{bdg-info}`📖 API Reference`](https://amplify.fixstars.com/en/docs/amplify/v0/amplify-ae/reference.html) ``` ```{csv-table} :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :width: 100% :widths: 1 1 1 1 1 ,Binary variable,Ising variable,Integer variable,Real variable Objective function,2nd,\-,\-,\- Equality constraint,2nd{sup}`*`,\-,\-,\- Inequality constraint,2nd{sup}`*`,\-,\-,\- ``` \*: must give a penalty function. :**Client class**: In addition to the [common interface of the client class](#client-common-interface), it has the following attributes. ```{list-table} :width: 100% :header-rows: 1 :widths: 1 1 3 * - Attribute - Data type - Details * - {py:attr}`~amplify.FixstarsClient.compression` - {py:class}`bool` - Compress the requested data before sending. The default is {py:obj}`True`; setting it to {py:obj}`False` will reduce request data compression time, but may increase transmission time. ``` :**Configuration example**: ```{testcode} from amplify import FixstarsClient from datetime import timedelta client = FixstarsClient() # Set API token client.token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Set timeout to 1 second client.parameters.timeout = timedelta(milliseconds=1000) # Set the number of GPUs to use to 1 client.parameters.num_gpus = 1 # Get all solutions obtained during the search client.parameters.outputs.num_outputs = 0 ``` :**Execution example**: ```python from amplify import Model, VariableGenerator, solve # Define decision variables and the objective function g = VariableGenerator() q = g.array("Binary", 2) f = q[0] * q[1] + q[0] - q[1] + 1 # Create a model model = Model(f) # Run the solver result = solve(model, client) ``` Obtain the solver version: ```python >>> client.version 'v0.8.5-V100' ```