
class ToshibaSQBM2ClientParameters

A parameter class for the Toshiba SQBM+ client in Fixstars Amplify SDK. For more information, see the Calculation parameters section of Simulated Bifurcation Machine User Manual .

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


__init__(*args, **kwargs)



A parameter for the calculation.


The SQBM+ calculation algorithm 15 (bSB) presented in the paper by Goto et al. (2021) or 20 (dSB) and other algorithms implemented inside SQBM+.


Specify multiple calculation algorithms using regular expressions.


Specifies the time step width used for time evolution of the SB algorithm.


Specifies the number of loops in SQBM+ calculation.


Specifies the maximum number of output solutions.


Specifies the maximum waiting time in seconds for each request.


Specifies the number of steps in SQBM+ calculation.


If target is specified, computation terminates when the evaluated value of the objective function reaches target.


Specifies the maximum calculation time in seconds.

property C

A parameter for the calculation. For the definition, see \(\xi_0\) in Goto, Tatsumura, & Dixon (2019, p. 2) . Specified by a positive single-precision floating-point number. If set to 0, the constant C is automatically determined and applied to calculation. :type: float

property algo

The SQBM+ calculation algorithm 15 (bSB) presented in the paper by Goto et al. (2021) or 20 (dSB) and other algorithms implemented inside SQBM+. See Table 9 in User Manual for the algorithms that can be specified. The calculation results may vary depending on the algorithm used. If 0 is specified, SQBM+ performs a solution search using a variety of algorithms. :type: string

property algos

Specify multiple calculation algorithms using regular expressions. If this parameter is specified, multiple algorithms specified with algos are used instead of algo. :type: string

property dt

Specifies the time step width used for time evolution of the SB algorithm. 0 means automatic adjustment of the time step width is specified, and SQBM+ Calculation Service will automatically vary dt internally. It should be set to an floating point value between 0.0 and 1.5. :type: float

property loops

Specifies the number of loops in SQBM+ calculation. SQBM+ searches for a better solution through repeated calculations. If 0 is specified, that means loops=100,000,000. It should be set to an integer value between 0 and 100,000,000. The default value is set to 0. :type: int

property maxout

Specifies the maximum number of output solutions. The solutions are output in order of the best value of the objective function among the solutions found. The value must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Assumed 1 if no value is specified. :type: int

property maxwait

Specifies the maximum waiting time in seconds for each request. If time specified by maxwait passes during the wait in a queue, the request ends with a timeout error. The default value is specified in the system configuration file. :type: float

property steps

Specifies the number of steps in SQBM+ calculation. The value 0 means automatic setup where the number of steps is dynamically determined. It should be set to an integer value between 0 and 100,000,000. The default value is set to 0. :type: int

property target

If target is specified, computation terminates when the evaluated value of the objective function reaches target. If loops is 0, the loop is repeated until the value of the objective function reaches the value specified by target or times out. :type: int

property timeout

Specifies the maximum calculation time in seconds. If the maximum computation time is reached before the computation specified by loops is completed, the computation terminates there. In this case, the best solution obtained up to that point becomes the result of the execution. The default value is specified in the system configuration file. :type: float