
class FujitsuDAPTSolverClientParameters

A class that handles the parameters of FujitsuDAPTSolverClient.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


__init__(*args, **kwargs)



Specifies the initial values of variables.


Number of searchs in one annealing.


Number of replicas.


Cumulative energy increment when no new state is selected.


Specifies how solutions are returned.

property guidance_config

Specifies the initial values of variables. The initial configuration of the variables are expressed in terms of a dictionary. The key is the index of a variable in the string form, and the corresponding value is the initial value of the variable expressed as True or False.




from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.client import FujitsuDAPTSolverClient

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(3)
f = 2 * q[0] * q[1] - q[0] - q[2] + 1

client = FujitsuDASolverClient()
client.token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client.parameters.number_iterations = 1000000
client.parameters.guidance_config = {"0": True, "2": False}

result = client.solve(f)
>>> f
2 q_0 q_1 - q_0 - q_2 + 1
>>> print([f"energy = {}, q = {q.decode(s.values)}" for s in result])
['energy = -1.0, q = [1. 0. 1.]',
 'energy = 1.0, q = [0. 0. 0.]']


Modifying each element of guidance_config by direct reference is not supported. If you need to replace one or more elements, the entire dictionary needs to be redefined.

from amplify.client import FujitsuDAPTSolverClient

client = FujitsuDAPTSolverClient(token="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
client.parameters.guidance_config = {"0": True, "1": True}
>>> client.parameters.guidance_config
{'1': True, '0': True}
>>> client.parameters.guidance_config["0"] = False # Dictionary elements cannot be replaced by direct reference.
>>> client.parameters.guidance_config
{'1': True, '0': True}
>>> client.parameters.guidance_config= {"0": False, "1": False}  # Redefition of the entire dictionary can replace dictionary elements.
>>> client.parameters.guidance_config
{'1': False, '0': False}
property number_iterations

Number of searchs in one annealing. An integer greater than or equal to 1 should be specified. If not specified, 100,000 is set as the default. It is recommended to set an integer greater than 100,000.



property number_replicas

Number of replicas. This is the number of annealing performed in parallel at different initialized temperatures. An integer greater than or equal to 1 should be specified. If not specified, it is set to 100 as the default. The recommended value is 100. A value that is a multiple of 20 is recommended.



property offset_increase_rate

Cumulative energy increment when no new state is selected. An integer greater than or equal to 0 should be specified. If not specified, 1000 is set as the default value.



property solution_mode

Specifies how solutions are returned. Can be set to "COMPLETE" or "QUICK". "COMPLETE" is set as the default if no value is specified.

  • COMPLETE: Returns all results obtained by the number of annealing specified by number_replicas, but combines the same results into one and returns with the total number of occurrence as frequency.

  • QUICK: Returns one result with the lowerst energy.

